Getting Back On Track

Have you ever tried workout after workout hoping to see results and didn’t? Last Spring I decided to try Weight Watchers; maybe it wasn’t my workout routines that was the problem and more my eating habits. To my surprise that’s exactly what it was.

I started Weight Watchers weighing 145lbs with a goal of 130lbs; I knew that I could achieve my goal but not just by eating right…I had to start exercising again. So I decided to take up yoga as well as run a 1/2 marathon. After months of hard dedication of eating right everyday and training, I was in the best shape I had ever been.

When August rolled around, I ran my 1/2 marathon and then came February and my yoga membership was up. I didn’t renew it because it was my last semester in college and I needed to focus on getting everything done and graduating. I kept eating right with Weight Watchers, but I learned no matter how healthy you eat, you need to workout to stay in shape. I stayed at my goal weight but I still wasn’t satisfied. I NEEDED to have the flat abs and muscular legs that I could show off when I wear a dress.

I decided to start eating clean (still doing weight watchers) as well as start Boxing at TITLE Boxing Club, and to get a membership at the YMCA. I can’t stress enough how happy I am with my decision. FYI – TITLE Boxing is a boot camp-style workout, and although the website says that everyone can go at their own pace, there’s definitely a vibe that you’d better keep up — which is great if you want to be pushed to get your workout on, but know that this is not a mellow aerobics class — according to the owners, if you follow everything the instructor says, the average person burns 1,000 calories in this class. Sounds great right? Well it is! It’s a total body workout. The best part is that every instructor has their own unique routine so you never get use to or bored with it.

I decided to start eating clean and be done with the frozen foods when I saw one of my old co-workers doing it. She has lost 80 pounds in the last 2 years, and has 50 more pounds to go to reach her weight. I know I don’t have that much to lose, BUT if I know what I am cooking and I can do it myself everyday, why not do it? I shouldn’t have an excuse anymore. Eating clean will help me go from thin, to FIT. I will get the toned body I have always wanted as long as I meal prep, and workout everyday. I know I can do this! Do you think you can?

Huffington Post introduces workout music

If you are like me I must have music when working out.  It gets my adrenaline going and makes the time go by faster; but every now and then I must switch up my workout music collection.

Depending on if I’m running, lifting or doing cardio, I need different music for each workout. Research shows that having upbeat tempo music makes us work harder and faster.

The Huffington Post recently added a new page to their site – the “huffpost workouts.” The Huffpost partnered with Spotify and created a page just for workout music.  They gathered playlists from top trainers, DJs, music industry executives, editors and athletes.

They have playlist, for cardio, running etc.  You must have Spotify of course, but thanks to these playlist I have definitely come across some great new workout songs.

Thanks Huffpost!

Top 10 Core Exercises

What makes up your core?  The core consists of your abdominal, back, and lower back regions. A strong and stable core is vital for good balance, proper posture, and injury prevention.

  • You want a strong and stable core so it will help to stabilize the muscles involved with balance.
  • As you grow older you want to keep a strong core so you can maintain proper posture.  This is important especially the older you get. Back pain, neck pain, and several other forms of pain can result from not having a strong core which can result in poor posture over the years.
  • Injury prevention is another amazing benefit of working the core. Of course not all injuries can be prevented, BUT most can be or at least the injury can be lessened.
  • Below are some of the exercises you can do to strengthen your core. I recommend performing twenty to as many repetitions as you can for two to three sets and as often as you can.

Click on photos to view video

Bent Arm Side Bridge – Try 30 seconds on each side
Bicycle – the slower you go the harder it is
Roman Chair: Straight Leg Raise – Try 3 sets of 20, if you can do more, Great!!
Elbow Plank  – Try holding for at least a minute.  To make it harder raise one of your legs.
Straight Leg Raises w/ Hip Raise – Do this for a at least 1 minute and you will feel the burn.
Trunk Rotation With Medicine Ball and Feet Up – 3 sets of 15; using a weight does the same thing as a medicine ball if you can not get ahold of one. (works your love handles)
V Sit – my favorite!!
Side Bending On Hypertension Machine
Straight Leg Raises – try for about a minute
Double Crunch On Bench

Walking barefoot – How good is it for you?

As odd as it sounds I love walking barefoot, and if I could, I would all the time!

I have come across many people who think that walking barefoot is bad for you or that it can be dangerous.  What most people do not know is that it actually is good for your health.

Did you know that poorly developed muscles in the feet can lead to bad posture?

I hope you read the article to find out why walking barefoot is actually really amazing for you and your health.

Health benefits of walking barefoot ~ Courageous Mind.

Become A Warrior

Running!  Not many people enjoy it, BUT what if you could make it fun?!  Would you run? Many of you have heard of triathlons, which sound like to much work for me.  However when I heard of THE WARRIOR DASH, I checked it out and immediatley decided I was going to RUN!!

Warrior Dash is not just a “race” per say.  It is more of an obstacle course.  

It is an 3.11 mile course.  While running you have to conquer 12 obstacles being

  1. Rubber Ricochet
  2. Satan’s Steps
  3. Tipsy Tightrope
  4. Deadweight Drifter
  5. Vertical Limit
  6. Assassins Escape
  7. Storming Normandy
  8. Giant Cliffhanger
  9. Great Warrior Wall
  10. Cargo Climb
  11. Warrior Roast
  12. Muddy Mayhem
The best part of this course, it supports St. Judes.  So you get a workout/ have fun/ while supporting a great cause.

For more information you can visit warrior dash’s home page,  for locations AND MORE!

How To Get Runway Ready – Victorias Secret Style

This post is going to be short but oh so sweet!

I was watching you tube workout videos earlier and came across some of the Angels workout routines.  Below are some leg, arm, core and glute workout videos, that get the girls runway ready!

Lindsay Ellington – Legs

Doutzen Kroes – Arms

Candice Swaneopol – Core

Alessandra Ambrosio – Glutes

Adriana Lima

Victorias Secret Workout

Every year I always watch the Victorias Secret Fashion Show, just like everyone else and I have always wondered, what does it take to get their bodies.


I have seen a behind the scenes video called, “a day of an angel” where they show the workout and it is intense.  It was a while ago when I saw it.

The other day I came across their workout on the web, and decided why not share it with you.

Here it is:

2 minutes: Light stretching, including Good Mornings and Good Mornings with Knee Bends
1 minute: Jumping Jacks
30 seconds: Platypus Walks
1 minute: Shadowboxing with Crossovers, Uppercuts and Knee Bends
1 minute: Plié Squats with Calf Raises
2 minutes: Reverse Lunges
1 minute: Squat Thrusts
1 minute: Scissors Reverse Crunches
2 minutes: Deluxe
1 minute: Bench Stepups (if possible, combine with Triceps Kickbacks)
1 minute: Pushups

Now for the diet: The models eat small meals 5 times a day. They avoid processed food and usually stick to eating organic fruit and vegetables when possible. Their diet is high in protein so they keep their muscle and only lose fat.

There you have it! Now you have the ability to look as sexy as a Victoria’s Secret Model! If you don’t have a willingness to work hard, chances are you will just go from one fad diet to the next. It didn’t take you a week to gain all the weight you may be trying to lose, so don’t expect to lose it in a week.

Losing flab, while staying toned

My friend asked me the other day “Jess what should I do, I need to lose weight but want to keep toned.  Should I do Cardio or lift weights?”

A mix of both is great!  BUT if you really want to lose that belly flab, love handles, all that extra stuff that you just don’t like, lifting is really the way to go.

Don’t be scared to try this like most girls, because they don’t want to become to muscular. Surprise that does not happen unless you want it too.  PLUS there are some major benefits from doing this.

Womens health magazine will give you the skinny on weight lifting, the benefits and how it will keep you toned and in shape!

One more thing...

Love Handles…YUCK

I don’t know about you, but I have them and am not a fan.  I want them gone by summer if not by spring break.

So I searched the web and came across a great article.  It gives you a weekly exercise plan, what you should and should not do etc.  It may sound intense but remember, if you don’t try no results will show.


So I don’t know how many of you like yoga (any type) or have even tried it; but I LOVE it.  If you ever get the chance I highly recommend you try Hot Yoga or Bikram Yoga, (pretty similar.)

It is set in a 99 -105 degree room, which feels amazing (especially in the winter time).

The benefits from yoga are amazing, you get in shape, can lose weight , and did I say become toned!?  I can’t forget to mention the best part.  INVERSIONS!

Inversions can include headstand, crow, side crow, road kill.  all different types.  My first picture is an example of an inversion…side crow!

If you are wondering why I LOVE it so much, quick-fit-yoga has all the information you would want to know



Top Cardio Exercises

Have you ever wondered what cardio exercises are the best for you when wanting to lose weight and keep in shape?  Well if you have, here is something for you!

According to the top 10 cardio  exercises includes

  1.  Running
  2.  Cross-Country Skiing
  3.  Bicycling
  4.  Elliptical Trainer
  5. Swimming
  6.  Step Aerobics
  7. Rowing
  8.  Kickboxing
  9.  Walking
  10.  Jumping Rope

About Me

Hey Everyone!  My name is Jess, and I decided to start a health blog.  Not just a blog but a link blog as well.  This was I can link you to health blogs and sites from which I found some content.

I will be covering healthy eating habits.  How to stay fit and thin while eating what you need and want.  (you don’t have to starve yourself to look good)  I will have exercises and recipes for those who don’t know how to get started.  And much much more 🙂

I also love to find and post pictures that inspire me, and I will post them in hopes that they inspire you.

If you have any questions feel free to ask